Monthly Subscription Box

ANNNOUNCEMENT: Starting March 21, 2025, the box price will increase to $55 and shipping costs will be adjusted to current rates.
Our monthly mystery Subscription Box is a great deal for jewelers! Each month, our boxes include a variety of exclusive themed items such as pancake dies, impression dies, shot plates, texture plates, stampings, etc. All items are for use with a 20-ton hydraulic press. Most included tools are NOT compatible with the Tortolita Press.
- Each die is hand picked and designed for the monthly themed box.
- These items are a mystery, exclusive to the box and will not be sold individually on our site to the general public.
- The pancake dies will be brand new, never before sold by Potter USA.
- Box will ship around the first of the month, each month.
$55 for box, plus shipping and applicable sales tax (shipping charges can change when USPS raises rates)
Your card/account will automatically be charged each month through Paypal. You will be charged each month on the date that you signed up. For instance, if you sign up on the 4th of the month, your account will be charged on the 4th of each month. Your subscription will be updated after you sign up to include sales tax if we collect tax in your area.
All orders placed by the 20th of the month will receive the upcoming month's box. All orders placed AFTER the 20th of the month will receive the box in two months. (For instance, if you subscribe on September 20, you will receive the October box. If you subscribe on September 21, you will receive the November box.)
To receive the...
January box: sign up by December 20
February box: sign up by January 20
March box: sign up by February 20
January box: sign up by December 20
February box: sign up by January 20
March box: sign up by February 20
April box: sign up by March 20
May box: sign up by April 20
June box: sign up by May 20
July box: sign up by June 20
August box: sign up by July 20
September box: sign up by August 20
October box: sign up by September 20
November box: sign up by October 20
December box: sign up by November 20
You can cancel your subscription at anytime by going to your Paypal account and canceling.
Examples of Past Boxes (no longer available)